WWTK — FOOD Up the Wazzoo!

Welcome to We Want to Know Wednesdays Q&A

Hosted by Mamarazzi and Crazymama


This reminds me of “Over the Hedge”, and RJ introducing the foragers to humans’ way of eating.  So this week is all about food with questions from lots of people.  Jump over and see their answers too. 

{1}Ricki Jill from http://ricki-treleaven.blogspot.com wants to know: I would like to know what the WWTK’s  participants serve when they have company for dinner.  What are your go-to recipes?

We don’t often have company for dinner.  A long time ago, I would fancy myself a decent cook.  Now, not so much.  I stick to macaroni and cheese and lasagna.  I have been known to make other things, but these are the two standbys.  Boring, I know.

{2}Jill @ http://jills-world.blogspot.com wants to know: If you were told it was time for your last meal, what would you order up or make for yourself?

Something courtesy of  Little Debbie.  I doubt I would fix an actual meal.  I would probably just graze through my favorite junk food.  I guess some sort of Mediterranean style fish dish; although, I do enjoy this when I can find the right boxed Spanish rice.

{3}Suzanne @ https://suzannewynnell.wordpress.com/ wants to know: Sugar or alcohol? or more delicately Drink or Dessert?

I’m a dessert person. In my mind (warped that it is), I’m not going to “waste calories” on alcohol.  I will (as I just discovered thanks to CA post the calories law) spend 1800 calories on apple crisp at the Cheesecake Factory instead of whatever on a Margarita.  If given a choice between shots and chocolate fondue, the fondue is going to win.  EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.

{4}Myya @ http://myyasays.blogspot.com/ wants  to know: What is your favorite Crock Pot Recipe?

I don’t have one.  I’d like to, but I don’t.  In fact, every time I think I’m going to use the crock pot to make my life easier, I find that the amount of prep work, including browning meat, takes more time than faking dinner (or cooks less than I’ll be gone at work), so I don’t do it. I’m open to suggestions, however.

{5} Mamarazzi is having a hard time getting breakfast in everyday so she wants to know: What are you eating for breakfast these days?

I have to regular go-to breakfasts.  One is FAGE yogurt with honey and fruit, usually a banana. Sometimes I’ll make some sort of parfait out of it, but usually just out of the containers.  The other one is my really lazy breakfast courtesy of Starbucks.  That’s been some sort of skinny drink with the spinach-feta wrap.  Since it’s not a cheap combination, I’ve been trying to make myself eat at home.  The coffee thing is new to me.  Not sure why I’m drinking it these days because I certainly won’t drink it at home, work, out at Denny’s or anywhere else.
What are your food confessions?  Link up and let us know.

20 thoughts on “WWTK — FOOD Up the Wazzoo!

  1. Tere says:

    Just stopping by from Dandelion Wishes and WWTK Wednesday!

  2. ~she~ says:

    I totally agree about the desserts! I will eat a low calorie meal just to indulge in a seriously huge slice of chocolate cake afterward! Oh my…have you ever tried the Godiva cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory??? The thought of it makes me want to cry!

    • Suzanne says:

      Nope, can’t say that I have. I’ve only recently gotten into cheesecake. It’s one of the few desserts that doesn’t make me want to eat the entire thing — not just a slice. I’m also not big into chocolate. Oh, I’ll eat it because it’s sweet, but it’s not my preference. However, when I go next, I will get a slice in your honor. Maybe it will be my new wonderful thing.

      Happy Wednesday.

  3. Natalie says:

    I get so many people tell me I need to drink more, so your ‘wasting calories’ point is going to be my new argument… I’d much rather have something yummers and sweet!

    • Suzanne says:

      Glad to be of service. 🙂 Of course, I get that a glass of wine isn’t *that* many calories, but given all the junk I will eat if I get a little tipsy, I figure it’s better to go with dessert.

  4. Jo says:

    My family loves mac & cheese and lasange. Thanks for remiding me 🙂

    • Suzanne says:

      I make homemade macaroni and cheese on special occassions. I’m very surprised at how much my son loves the boxed stuff given how different they are. I only make lasagna on weekends because it takes me an hour or so to simmer the sauce. I should just make large batches of it it and freeze it. HMMM, maybe that would work in a crock pot?

      Thanks for stopping by. Have a happy Wednesday.

  5. vandylj says:

    I use my crock pot, but avoid the recipes that call for browning and such. That’s way more work than I want to put into my crock pot.

    • Suzanne says:

      I only seem to find recipes that call for browning! I have tried the dump stuff (cream cheese, salsa, etc.) but my family (“The Boys”) hate the texture of it all. It’s not easy feeding picky.

      Thanks for the visit. Have a happy Wednesday.

  6. crazymama says:

    i only do a few things in my crockpot. i don’t plan ahead enough. if i do it’s sweet pork for tacos or salad, or salsa chicken again for tacos or burritos and regular beef roast for sunday dinner. i hate the crockpot clean up.

    i totally agree dessert is worth it!

    thanks for linking up!

    • Suzanne says:

      I buy the crock pot liners, which work OK. I agree about the clean up. Mine has a HUGE insert so it’s a pain to clean and it doesn’t fit in the dishwasher. Grrr.

      Have a happy Wednesday.

  7. Jill says:

    I’m totally with ya – I’d rather save the calories for food than waste them on a drink. Booze is just not that important to me!

    And I get what you mean about the crock pots. I rarely use mine, because it does seem to take extra work. Even the lasagna recipe I posted? I think making normal lasagna is easier, but I do the crock pot version for potlucks because it can stay heated in there.

    • Suzanne says:

      I’ve tried mac and cheese in the crock pot, but it gets mealy tasting. I really only know how to make “concoctions.” You know, the things you make that are so far out it’s surprising you aren’t high when you’re doing it. 🙂

      I also find that, for how littie I use it, my crock pot takes up a lot of real estate in my kitchen. After all this, I might just get rid of it. Of course, the minute I do will be the minute I have a need for it.

      Thanks for stopping by. Have a great Wednesday.

  8. Jennifer says:

    See, i never even thought of the prep work that goes into a crock pot dinner, another reason why I don’t own one or have the desire to ge tone…I am so lazy! lol

    • Suzanne says:

      OK, that’s just an amazingly priceless perspective! You found all the good and right in the world and went for it. 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by. Have a great Wednesday.

  9. Nichole says:

    I love my crock pot!! Only thing is the clean up, I haven’t used the bags before. I haven’t tried any recipes that call for browning, that’s too much work. I stick to the couple ingredient recipes like my steak n gravy {it’s just round steak, c/o mushroom soup and french onion soup} just dump it all in {I buy the already chopped round steak, like for stews} and let it cook for however long. It’s also REALLY good with with chicken instead of round steak too!

    Also chicken breast, c/o chicken soup and milk, then pour stuffing over top to serve, sooo good!!

    • Suzanne says:

      I’ll give the chicken dump a try. What’s the worst that can happen? Right?

      Thanks for stopping by. Have a happy Wednesday.

  10. I am so addicted to Fage yogurt. I like Noosa, too! I agree about the chocolate fondue. LOVE it (with pound cake, of course)… 😀

    Linking from Mamarazzi’s.

    Ricki Jill

    • Suzanne says:

      I’ve never tried or seen Nose. I should look for that. Thanks!

      Hope you have a great day. Thanks for stopping by.

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